
AQ, or adaptability quotient, is a holistic measure of workplace adaptability. The higher the AQ, the more likely one can recover from setbacks, find alternative solutions to problems, and embrace change. AQ is measured across three key core dimensions: AQ Ability(what are my adaptability skills?), AQ Character (in what way do I adapt?), andAQ Environment (how does my environment influence my adaption?). There is no“ideal” AQme profile. Every AQme profile is unique and a product of a combination of factors including community support, ingrained behaviours, and learned skills. Each profile has strengths and weaknesses, so whilst we provide an overall AQ score, this is simply a guideline to help participants improve their levels of adaptability (AQ) going forward.

Ability: AQ Ability represents learned adaptability skills, such as the ability to pursue a goal long term despite obstacles (Grit), the ability to hold contradictory ideas in mind (Mental Flexibility), self-beliefs(AQ Mindset), recover from setbacks (Resilience), and the ability to be able to et go of old skills and learn new ones (Unlearn).AQ Ability can change overtime as one learns and grows their skillset. As a result, it has the greatestimpact on the AQ score.

Character: AQ Character describes adaptability elements linked to more innate or stable aspects of Self. It is comprised of Emotional Range,Extraversion preference, Hope, Motivation Style, and Thinking Style.

AQ Character reflects the way in which we might approach adapting and offers predictors of adaptability behaviour. This means that we can learn what situations we are likely to respond adaptably to, and what situations may challenge our adaptability.

Environment: The work environment can either help or inhibit adaptation. Even someone with high adaptability skills and an adaptable personality can struggle to adapt if their environment negatively impacts adaptability. Therefore, this third dimension of AQ is critical. The work environment is typically out of our control to an extent. Environmental AQ is measured across five sub-dimensions:Company Support, Emotional Health, Team Support, Work Environment, and WorkStress.

 The table below looks at the various areas that the AQme measures

The Adaptiotic Table
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